Developing Quality Workflow

What is Workflow?

Image Creative Workflow from,

Work•flow /ˈwərkflō/

“The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.” –

What is a quality workflow?  How do we develop it?  Below are elements of the production cycle that most creative people move through as they create something.  First, we must identify the stages of project production. What is each stage and what are the quality checks for each stage.  Read on and find out!

Stages of Creation Development


How do we find ideas to develop?

There are a lot of ways we can find ideas to develop. It really depends on the person. Some people like to go outside and just get some fresh air, while others like to take inspiration from others. Ideas can take a while to come to you, but when they do come they might not even be that good. I would say that good ideas are ideas that have a plan along with them. Something that should make you work hard, but the only person who knows what that means for you, is you.


How do we clarify our specific goal(s) for a project?

Making goals is something that can be very difficult for a lot of people. Some ways that you can clarify your goals for a project are by being very detailed. Don’t write down a goal that doesn’t take steps to reach. A good goal should be specif and reachable. You can also include the steps you are going to take to reach that goal, that can also be very clarifying.


How can we brainwrite, brainstorm, storyboard, and plan our ideas at this phase?

Making a visual list or storyboard to write down all of your ideas can really help you see them. Writing things down is one of the best ways our brain remembers things. If we write down our ideas we are way more likely to use them. If we write down our ideas for a project we will have a more clear and easy way to decide what we want to do.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our plan for this phase? This is where we actually make the project.

One way you can communicate and execute our plan is by already having good idea of what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. If you star from nothing then people are going to think that you are not prepared and that you have no idea whtat you are doing. You can also have like a diagram or a visula modle of what you want to create so that other people can see your vision clearer.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our final stages of the project for this phase? This is where we publish the project.

This is when communication really comes in handy. Here you have to tak to your peers and see what final touches you have to add to your project. You would go through every aspect and decide what needs changing so that the project can be perfect.


How do we share our project with our learning community, advisory members, and the world?

There are alot of ways to share your project. If you were to shareit with your peers then a presentation would probubly be the best way. If you wanted to share with the community and the world then making a website or social media account for your project would be the best way to get your project ou there into the world.


How do we conduct a feedback session at the end of the project development cycle?

When you are done with the development cycle then a good way to conduct feedback would be by having people maybe leaving a review on your website or by having people test out you design and then giving you feedback that way.

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